The Real Costa Rica

Universities in Costa Rica

Here is a list with links to each university.  Costa Rica offers excellent educational opportunities at amazingly low cost. Often I am asked if speaking Spanish is required and the answer is yes… of course it is. Costa Rica is Latin country and the language here is Spanish. The students in the universities are most Costa Rican and thus the textbooks and courses are in Spanish. Therefore, if you intend to study here, a solid base of both spoken and written Spanish would be strongly advised.

The one exception might be Earth University near the town of Guapiles as they cater to students from all over the world, but obviously you must be interested in ecology and earth sciences. I would suggest contacting them if this might be of interest.

Centro de Formación en Tecnologías de Información (CENFOTEC)
Colegio Universitario San Judas Tadeo
Escuela Centroamericana de Ganadería,
Instituto Centroamericano de Administración Pública
Escuela Libre de Derecho
Instituto Interamericano de Derechos Humanos
Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica
Universidad Aautónoma de Centroamérica (UACA)
Universidad de Costa Rica
Universidad de Costa Rica: Programa Centroamericano de Doctorado en Educación
Universidades Estatales de Costa Rica
Universidad Hispanoamericana
Universidad Internacional de las Américas (UIA)
Universidad La Salle
Universidad Latinomericana de Ciencia y Tecnología
Universidad Latina de Costa Rica
Universidad Nacional
Universidad Estatal a Distancia
Universidad Earth


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